Saturday, September 6, 2014

Post birthday random appreciation post | Thoughts, Life

That has been something I've been trying to tell myself day and night.
That things will get better and it takes time. 
And also because things happen for a reason, good or bad. 
And on some days its believable. 
On other days it isn't the best thing to tell yourself because nothing 
looks like its getting better. I have spent 
the last week trying to tell myself that it'll get better. 
But unfortunately it wasn't one of those weeks where convincing myself really 
worked out. And so I thought, okay I'll just take a break. 
I'll just not sulk and not whine about how bad things are. 

So Friday morning came. Expected it to be completely the same as the days in my week. 
But little did I know my library teacher/first period teacher wished me when I got to first period. And I was like, "wow? what?" so I just said thank you and asked how she knew about it and she said she saw it in one of my forms. So I thought, "wow, okay. that's pretty great" that did put a smile on my face. And after we did everything we needed to do, she came up to us and told us to go into the back room because she had something set up for me. And I was at that point so touched and so thankful. She baked a tuppaware of brownies for me and went to buy a hang down sign that apparently was misspelled. So yesterday was a "happy biryhda" day. We had a pretty great laugh and the rest of the period turned out pretty amazing. Labeling books and bar-coding books went by in a breeze because my classmates and I ended up having a good laugh at almost every little thing.  
That in itself and responding to all the wishes and videos, Skype calls, Snapchats, Whatsapps and every form of wishes has definitely opened my eyes to how blessed I am. 

The rest of the day went by slowly though. I came home, had a pretty Malaysian lunch. I had fried rice and char siu and chai boey and SAMBAL <3 . All the good stuff!.

Massive cheesecake :3 (ps. Sherwynn if you're reading this, DON'T DROOL) 

We selfie-d the family picture because everyone was too hungry 

How more to spend my birthday with the people I spent my whole life with, right? :) 

Which brings me to this morning and my post-birthday breakfast :) 

I can't say that you're having the best days of your life right now in whatever situation that you are in. But what I can tell you is that it's a shitty day, not a shitty life. Now you may have a series of shitty days in a row, or weeks. But it's not a shitty life. There will be good days, and there will be bad days. There will be days you'd give up and days you're standing strong. There'll be days you think you're about to break, there'll also be days where you're just no where. On some days however, you'll feel like you're on top of the world. That everything is possible. And you'll also have those days where you beat yourself up for every little thing. That F you got on a test, or the burnt spatula you burned while frying an egg, the crack on your phone, the scar on your arm, the broken mug you dropped, or the broken hole in the ceiling that you fell through (GUILTY. i have scars to prove it :P )

SO BASICALLY, if you've done stupid things in your life, you're on the right track.
You're learning, you're human. 


Thank you guys once again for everything. 


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