Monday, August 17, 2015

When You Say You Can't, But Other's Say You Can

I don't know what's the gist behind the whole "when in doubt who do you believe" thing. Because we spend so much of our time tearing ourselves apart to the point when somebody compliments you, you automatically just know they're lying. I hate how my mind is so clouded by the fact that I don't know what I am capable of anymore. So just a few hours ago, I got asked to do something that never in a million years would I have ever ever ever say yes to. But in the spur of the moment, my stupid gut decided to convince me that I would be able to pull it off. 

So, here I am sitting here, typing this 4 hours later, shitting myself for saying yes. Then it got me thinking. How do you know when it's time to believe in what other's say about you, and when is it time to shut it off because your opinion is the one that matters most? Truthfully, I know my gut tells me that I can't do this. But everyone else is saying that I can. So who do you defy? The people who knows you and sees you from a different perspective than you do, or do you believe in you, the person who has only seen herself from one point of view.

It's really one of those moments when I know, I truthfully know that I cannot do it. I wasn't born to do it and I certainly don't have the talent to do it. I'm now stuck, responsible of a responsibility that I'm not equip to take. What do I do?  

Thursday, August 13, 2015

How To : Deal With Difficult People

Disclaimer : I'm not a perfect person, but I try to see things from a different perspective. I don't often take my own advice and I'm not implying them on you, but I think it might be helpful to each of us. 

We often have difficult people in our lives. I, obviously have them too. A week or so ago, my mum was listening to a sermon that went along the lines of "you have difficult people in your lives because God knows you need them more than they need you." In simpler context, it really just means that you need them in your life. Why? Here's my first point.

1.Take Difficult People As They Are. 
Instead of trying your hardest to have them change to your expectations, why don't we change instead? People are the way that they are. We have absolutely no right to insist that they change for the better. People do their own changing at their own time and at their own pace. And even though they spend thy're whole lives being difficult is not any of our responsibilities to make them a better person. BUT, the responsibilities that we have is to make ourselves a better person. Now, I'm not saying I don't get annoyed and get angry, I definitely do. But sometimes, I guess we just got to understand people from their perspective even though their perspective is the most ridiculous thing you've heard throughout your entire life. 

2. Give Them The Respect Even Though You Think They Don't Deserve It.
When we start thinking that we deserve more respect than we deserve sometimes might really mean we think we are superior and above everyone else. I believe we all in some point of our lives feel like we deserve a little bit more respect than we are given. But have we ever thought of giving someone else the respect even though they don't deserve it? I guess in a way, this is one of the "perks" of growing up and trying to see things from a more mature perspective. It's hard, but if you don't do it, who would? 

3. Do All Things With Love. 
I have to admit, all of this is hard. Trying to be the bigger person through it all is a big pain in the bum. But, why do anything at all, if you don't do things with love? Frankly, it all just goes to waste if you don't do all things with love. It wouldn't be genuine, it wouldn't be honest. I know it's super duper hard. Nothing ever comes easy. But if you just try, most of the times you find yourself being a happier person despite how much you loathe that difficult person in your life. There's a certain triumph to the fact that you took the step to be the bigger person. 

4. Pray.
Hohohohoho. We can never do anything alone. This might be the most important and the one that requires most emphasis. Strength doesn't come from us it comes from God. And I'm not the most holy person in the world. But I know how important it is and how it's something that everyone needs. Being nice on the first day is easy. Smiling to your difficult person is easy. But maintaining it and keeping it as genuine as possible is hard. We all need a little prayer in everything we do. And mostly, in terms of having the patience and strength to deal with difficult people the right way deserves a whole lot more prayer. Be humble and admit that most of the times, you can never do anything alone. 

Like I said, I'm not the most perfect person in the world. But I'm trying to be a better one. 

Have a great day ahead!
