Saturday, February 20, 2016


The word beauty can be defined differently by different people. There will be contrasting opinions regarding beauty, but I think that beauty that comes from within will hardly ever be subjective. While a person may be stunning on the outside, if that beauty does not mirror what is on the inside, I don't believe that a person can ever be beautiful. To be beautiful is to be a person with a beautiful heart. While I know that we are all not perfect and neither am I, I have made it one of the things that I want to work on this year. 

I understand that it easier to cake on some makeup and have people deem you as "beautiful" according to the majority's definition of beauty. But at the same time, I honestly feel that is it much more important to work on beauty as a person. What I mean by that is instead of being pretty, be pretty kind or pretty confident. The list doesn't even stop there. You can be a beautiful person by being gracious and thankful and well spoken. It is also considered beauty to know your self worth and to appreciate yourself for exactly who you are. 

I feel like despite the fact that they say first impressions matter, it definitely does not mean that the people you meet will remain permanent. It means that even if someone starts a conversation with you only because of your looks, it doesn't mean that they'll stick around after they've heard you utter your first sentence. It doesn't mean that they'll stick around after they've seen you mistreat someone. You'll know a person better when you see how they treat others. Juxtaposing to that, I am not implying that every person in the world who is beautiful on the outside is a horrible person. It's just that our culture today exaggerates on beauty on the outside instead of beauty on the inside. Why not strive for both?

To strive for beauty on the inside is very crucial and I believe that while it doesn't score a lot of points on the outward beauty scale because it will never be enough, I feel like to be a beautiful person is timely, classy and sexy in a certain way. The best part of getting to know someone to me, is seeing how they carry themselves and how they treat others. Striving for beautiful qualities that makes up a beautiful person has really challenged me in knowing my self worth. It is really easy to give in to attention when it comes to physical beauty. It's really really easy to stoop so low and act really shallow so that you get the attention that you crave. However, that will never satisfy.

Attention will never be enough when you are given attention because of the wrong things. But when you know that people genuinely appreciate you for your personality and your worth, it gives a different satisfaction to you. Just imagine this : would you be more satisfied if a person said that you looked beautiful or that you are a beautiful person? Would you be more flattered if someone said that your makeup looked good or if you are kindhearted and confident?

I'm striving to be a beautiful person from the inside out and I believe that people of this day and age should be reminded that beauty does not only reflect on the outside but it shines through from the inside. I'd like to be a person that is kindhearted and confident, well spoken and knows her self worth. I want to be classy, sexy and sophisticated because I am a beautiful person from the inside out. I want to be comfortable in my own skin and that's who I will strive to be. 

