Wednesday, September 10, 2014

People | Thoughts, Life

To be honest, there will be more people you meet in your lifetime that will not even flinch or give it a second thought regarding your existence. Because all you'll be is an empty chair, an insignificant crack in the wall, a blank face, insignificant. And I really won't say that's okay. Yeah, there's the whole, "don't waste your time on people who doesn't think you're worth their time." I can rub it off, but I won't. Because it's ridiculous. And you wonder why people fall into depression or commit suicide. Don't get me wrong. My whole point is that there are so many things that people do that has an effect on people regardless if it's done consciously or unconsciously. And it's not really something we give it a second thought. Like if it was offensive, or it was rude or maybe it was something that completely scarred a person for life. And yeah, it is true that the people you meet in life would most probably be people who would just unconsciously acknowledge your existence. What more of a way to make someone feel more invincible than to just look past them like the seat is empty or it's just a plain white wall, right? Way to go. 

I sat down doing some thinking during my break today. Furious I was. I mean yeah, I do exist. I am solid and I'm not transparent. Like, I mean there are better ways to acknowledge someone's invisibility. People always go around saying that they want to make some big changes in the world and how they want to be an influence and have an impact on others. What impact are you really making if you don't practice those little things that would accumulate up to a very big shinning ball of influence? I don't get it. I really don't. Saying that you want to make a big change in the world, but you're not even doing something to the people around you. Where's the influence in that? All you do really is lower the self esteem of others. 

And there will be people who are completely oblivious to the feeling's of others. Sure you can bloody argue and say that they shouldn't be so sensitive in the first place, but have you took into account those people who are very insecure and have a small little amount of self confidence? Is it their fault? Is it their fault that they look into the mirror each day and see a nobody starring back at them, or they see a person they're not happy with, a person worth beating themselves up for? Is it their fault that it's getting worse day by day? Not completely. Everything we do has an impact to others. I'm serious. I don't honestly know where I'm getting to at this, but I now understand why there are so many "I'm a nobody" thing going on. If the majority of everybody in the world literally continues to be oblivious and treat your actions to others lightly, like "so what if it hurts others? It does't effect me. Should I care?" then how exactly do you make people on the other side not left out? Tried living in their shoes for a day? Have you even thought of that? Maybe you should try it some time. 

Everyone should try it some time. We call ourselves humans but most of the times we really lack humanity. If we can't even use our feelings that we have like caring. sympathy, empathy or just the simple unselfish-like feelings a normal human would have, I suggest everyone would just be better off as robots. Why do we need feelings if nobody in the world puts it into good use in this day and age? 

I know that we shouldn't rely on others for confidence, or even rely on others to feel good about ourselves and whatever you're probably gonna get to. But the whole point is really, if we continue to treat others like they're invisible then as obvious as it is, that's what people are going to think. Because you've already put such a mindset in their minds that they're not worth your time, not worth your effort, not worth this, not worth that, just in simple words not worthy enough then obviously that's the only mindset they're ever going to be able to base their mindset on. 

Have you ever sat down and just re-think about the way you've been treating others and if you were on the opposite side of the conversation, would you be satisfied with you? Have you gave it a second thought if what you're doing is conveying that good or the bad? Because if you haven't gave it a second thought, I reckon you start now. I cannot stand another "you're invisible to me" crap. I'm concerned for those who doesn't know their self worth. Those who don't know how much more they're worth than they think they are because I was once one of them. We're human. And so often really we'll find ourselves in moments of absolute mess, no self confidence, insecure and broken. Don't you think the action's of those who couldn't give a flipping fish as to how their "you don't exist to me" crap reflects on others? In this case since they're "invisible" it literally just shines through them. What a way to boost their confidence, ay? 

I still struggle everyday with reminding myself of my worth. What about those who haven't gotten there yet though? What about those who are still yet to stand up but you just keep pushing them down? What about those who needs just a little help to get back up again? What about those who has a voice but you just keep shutting them off? The ones who should shine brighter than the sun but you just keep raining on their parade? The ones who has potential but you just keep shutting them off? The one's who are lost and just need someone to guide them back? People don't understand how the little things they do can impact someone's life either in a good way or a bad way. It can either be a boost of confidence or it can be a big fat bus of insecurity slamming someone face on. Just like that. One little gesture, one word, one sentence, one glare, one bloody moment of rejection silence can result in too many unwanted things. 

Not everybody is perfect, I get that. Sometimes we do it unconsciously. I get it. But just second guess yourself and really wonder if you're really giving people a boost or tearing them down. Because for the past one month I've been so tired of getting torn down I didn't know where to draw the line. Sure its easy to be oblivious to others. But easy is never beneficial. It's easy to stay down once you're being pushed down one too many times. It's even easier to be the one tearing people down. Its not so easy trying to stay up when you're being pushed down, but it's even harder to get up when you're being constantly pushed down. 

Everybody has their demons. Everybody will face it differently, some people sweep it under the carpet, some people let them haunt them, some live with them, some accepts themselves as who they are with what they are. People deal with it differently. But regardless of your demons I highly think everyone deserves a chance of feeling good about themselves for who they are. I think everyone deserves that self confidence and self worth that they deserve to feel. I believe that everyone should have that. Not for once in their lifetime, or once every few months, every few years, but everyday of their lives. That's what they should feel and that's what they deserve. So if some of you think that it's the best idea to treat others like they're invisible and not worth your precious minutes, then really, so be it. But I hope in return it makes you feel really really good about yourself. Standing ovation for you. 

Because I'm done being one of those who belittle myself when I'm treated like I'm invisible. I know I've been treated that way a lot especially recently, and on some days I do let it get to me. Like today. And it wasn't an easy half an hour of thought because it opened my eyes to how ugly humans can be and the change the claim they want to make. Kay. That's today's rant of the day. 

Have a great day ahead. 


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