Sunday, November 30, 2014

USA Bound! : Thanksgiving

Hi world! Back to reality again the day after tomorrow. It has been a good break. So for Thanksgiving, the family and I headed down to San Mateo to visit my aunt and uncle and our two cousins. It was really really great. We had a great meal, a lot of board game time. 

So it starts off with the classic car shot. It was a little bit more than a two hours trip to San Mateo from Sacramento. A lot of plugged in earphones and blasting music session. 

We also have this one stretch of roads where it's just mountains and blue skies. It's pure perfection, really. 

Yep, Manicure shot, why not?

Bay Bridge overlooking San Francisco. I always love this view when we get there. Somehow I just have a soft spot for skyscrapers from a far. 

Turkey Day you guys, Turkey Day! 

So apparently turkey makes people sleepy. I don't know how true that was, but I surely did crash for 4 hours right after we played some Foosball and The Settlers of Catan.  

Sibling Rivalry! 

"A wheat, a sheep for a brick???" "NAAAHHHH"

The next day we went for Dim Sum. I honestly feel Chinese people are in general very rude. I may know a little bit of Cantonese, but I did not appreciate your tone, lady. Anyways, after that we went to Costco, I got myself some fluffy socks! After that, I had the privilege of taking family portraits for two families. Quite a different experience I might say. The first family I was a little hesitant. Naturally I just put a lot of pressure on myself I guess. Always want things to be perfect. But I loosened up for the second family and I'm pretty happy it kind of turned out alright. Although, it's time to return the good for nothing lopsided tripod. At night we decided to head out to Union Square because the lights were coming on that night. We took the train from Daly City to Powell Street. Another experience. Then when we popped into UniQlo which had rainbow stairs because the whole store was four stories high. Insane. Only then we headed to Union Square but then it started to rain pretty lightly. 

All dressed up and shiz for the weather                       Then there's me with my train ticket.
 which in the end wasn't even cold. 
What a bummer really. 

UniQlo stairs I was talking about earlier. It was very hard to walk up and down the steps because of the lights. I wonder why they didn't build an escalator since their store is already four stories high. 

Just like I expected, the city is very very packed. More people than I've seen in school in total during passing period. But it's nice to be in the crowd. SOMETIMES. Only SOMETIMES. I am not a crowd person. But I made an exception for Friday night. It's called travelling. I would say yes to it any day even though I've had a crappy day.

The famous lit up Christmas tree in focus and in Bokeh form. 

Of course, the posey posey with the tree. I honestly am frustrated because everyone gets great photos when I take it for them. But as always, the photographer never gets good photos of themselves because nobody else is going to take it for them. 

The brother and mother and I. 

And that ladies and gents, has been my short trip down to San Mateo for Thanksgiving. 

BTW, my room is Christmas-fied.

Not the best quality. But this is comfort to me. It's not a room of Zoe's if it isn't lit up with these lights. Trust me you guys, this and Ed Sheeran playing is comfort. My comfort zone level has just skyrocketed. 

That was my Thanksgiving weekend. :) 

Hope you guys had a great weekend and a great week ahead


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