Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Respecting others.

You know who I feel bad for? Teachers. They do the best things. They also have the best level of tolerance and patience. So I sat in three consecutive classes today, back to back where my classmates where total asses to their teachers. And to be honest I was annoyed. There were people trying to get work done. There were people doing their best in class. And there are also these asses who doesn't know how to shut up causing so much pauses and kinks in class which disrupts the lesson, makes us stay back a few minutes after class, it's so ridiculous. I don't understand how people can be such asses, affect others and feels no shred of guilt. 

It doesn't help that I have classes with the Freshmen and Sophomores. Some Juniors too. It doesn't help being in class with them. Sure they don't graduate in less than a years time, they have plenty of time to retake the class if they don't necessarily pass it, but I want to pass my class because all I get is one shot. I don't understand how people can be so inconsiderate. Teacher's are mean and strict because they have to. Not because the choose to. Because students somehow has pushed their buttons and show absolutely no reason to make teachers go a little easy on them.

Then you go on and complain and this teacher is full of shit, or that one doesn't know how to ease up. Ever thought of what you're doing instead that has caused it? Gosh, I swear people are so oblivious and such asses. Teachers are humans too. They certainly won't be the ones respecting you first if you don't give them a reason to see that you're worth respecting. But then again, some teachers are really kind enough. They care and they continue teaching. Heck, a lot of them still continues teaching after seeing that no one is paying attention. 

What happens though, after you have pushed them over the limit? Everyone has a limit. And we're lucky enough that teachers still care and finds reason to actually teach with love each day. I don't understand those kids who demands that they be respected but they're not showing a shred of respect. Not even the fact that apologizing or even just having the courtesy to just keep quiet. 

So yeah guys, remember : If you want to be respected, start respecting others. Because your actions doesn't just affect you, it causes an effect on others. 


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