Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lunch Writings

Hi world. Just a little update during lunch because I didn't really know what I wanted to do. I'm at that stage where I've studied as much as I could for the mid-terms and now my brain is jammed. So that's pretty amazing. So you know how there are different types of horrible days. Here's my take on two of it for now. 

1. The I really don't care.
This is when you couldn't be bothered if you failed your test, if you look horrible, if you've eaten, if you look fat, if your hair is too greasy or if you stay away in class. This are the best of all bad days to me. As I person I feel too much. Probably just too sensitive in a way I guess. But I enjoy the days where I'm immune to feelings. Even when things go wrong, it doesn't matter because how much better is it going to be? That's right, not any better. So the days when I don't care are the days where I couldn't be bothered if someone stubbed their toe, if I accidentally sliced myself which cutting an apple, if I went swimming after I just had a shower and I just washed my hair. All those little things becomes irrelevant and the bigger things just doesn't exist anymore. In someways on days like these I'm more confident and fearless. I couldn't be bothered if I was alone or in a group full of people, or if I'm surrounded by idiots. Regardless of the situation, when I have days like these, its a great reminder that things are going to take different twist and turns one day, perhaps maybe everyday until you get to the right track but regardless of which road I take I'm going to get through it. It doesn't matter what happens, I'm just capable of it all, even though I'm in a foul mood.

2. The I'm having a bad day but I'll try my best to cheer myself up day.
These are the days when you see me dress up. Its those days where you want to look presentable and look like an actual human being even though deep down things are pretty crap. The days when I look the worst are the best carefree days. Don't you agree? Haha. But anyways, days like these are the days when I look the nicest. Pretty sure I'm not the only one on this. :p these days are the bad days that you care about. Everything matters. Every little thing that gets screwed over makes me want yo scream my lungs out. These are the worst of all days. When things are bad, when you're tired but you still care. Its like trying to save something that has just fell off a cliff. That's what it feels like. It's like a camouflage. You look really good but inside you're raging. Haha. But like I said, we all have
our bad days and these are just a few of mine.

Here's to the whole week of exams and mid-terms.


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