Monday, January 19, 2015

My week in words.

Hi! Hola! Hello! Bonjour!

How did you spend your week, you guys? It's been a little over a week since my last post and school has just been a life sucker. But nevertheless, here's my week in words.

1. Group work.

I hate group work, I hate people who says a lot of shit but never get their work done. Nuff said.

2. So frugal, its illegal.

Being frugal is good. It saves you money, you don't buy necessary things. But people don't understand that there's a fine line between saving money and actually spending more money to make up for the crap that your frugalnese caused you. It's like a border line between two states. Except one would say frugal, the other would say ass. It's like preferring to buy an old $200 lawn mower that doesn't work, spending extra money fixing it and buying new blades and actually ruining your lawn because it didn't work, or the fact that the whole engine could not turn on, when you could've spent just a little bit more to get a brand new one. I don't get it really. It drives me insane.

3. Friends?

Friends? What friends? People who said they'd be there, but they aren't, people who acts like you don't exist, people who treats you second best, people who take you for granted. While I understand that this is life or the circle of life or whatever term you'd like to call it, let us just address the problem, shall we? I don't know about you, but I'm that person who believes the best in people when they say things. Even when I know that they're a bunch of bull or they're just going to waltz into my life and screw everything up, I let them because I believe that they are better than what everyone else perceives them to be. Often enough, people would say things out of desperation to make everything sound good and then they'll just walk out of my life after leaving a mess. Well, thank you! To the friend(s) who decides to be strangers after putting our friendship up on a pedestal in that few months after they found out that I was leaving to the States, thanks for not being there. You didn't have to be so fake. I would've liked who you were without all the words and the sugar coated "we could've"s.

4. Being truthful.

I hate people who can never get to the point. They hide around that wall of transparent glass, with that nice façade that to be honest, is so transparent that they think its opaque. If I'm not a friend you want to have around, you don't have to beat around the bush and act like I'm not there when I am, just say so and I'd just walk away. If I'm not up to par to be accepted into your perception of acceptable, just speak your mind. If I was just that person to fill a hole when you were desperate, you should've just said so.

5. Love-hate.

The fact is, people you love most can also be the ones you hate. You might even wish you didn't love them. But it will come to a point when you question the point of loving someone you're stuck with forever. I can't imagine not having them around, but neither can I imagine the amount of tolerance and patience and blindness that is required to keep going each day.

Have a great week!


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