Thursday, December 11, 2014


Hi world!

So about two days ago, I decided to take a break from all my social media. Because I felt like as a person, I've been spreading more negativity than positivism. While I know some people would argue that it's just a way for people to express themselves, sometimes what we are posting might be very influential on others as well. Good or bad. And lately I realize I've been the one who seems to be expressing the worst of myself to the world. Social media for me, Facebook especially has been one place I spread way too much negativism. While I do write elaborate sad depressing blog posts that aren't very pleasing to the eyes as well, that's why you see the lack of posts lately. I'm stuck between accepting that sometimes I really need to rant, but not everybody needs or want to read about it either. But at the same time, it's a blog and it's about sharing.

While I cannot promise constant optimism and bubbly, counting my blessings Zoe as it hasn't been a very great past few months, I do really want to do good and try to spread as much love, joy and gratefulness around as I can. Because having being in my situation countless times, I admire people who are bubbly and just thankful for everything by nature. Those who pick themselves up in a blink of an eye. I understand that I'm not one of those people. But I also know that there are people like me out there. And I just want to be this constant reminder that we are all human. And as you can see, I have my bad days too. But at the same time, I don't want to be the one who spreads negativity. I've been trying to stay away from posting negativity. I stopped writing in my journal because all I do is feel bad for every bad thing that goes wrong. Because really, how much more sadness does the world need? Adding more negativity to the world is uncalled for.

I'm really just a sad person by nature. Or rather I just enjoy being lonely and quiet. Thus, making a façade of sadness. The first thing that comes to my mind when I need to express myself in any way right now is always blogging. I find myself logging into blogger and next thing I know I have written at least 4 paragraphs full. And it's great that I've found a place to express myself when I need it. But not everyone needs to be reminded that bad things happen to us and that it's okay to stay down. Which is what I feel is what the impression I'm giving out to others.

I'm not going to completely change myself for I know that this trait of me, being quiet and isolated is just me being Zoe and I enjoy that side of me, I still want to genuinely be thankful always and see life from a different point of view. So I do apologize for the amount of sadness and negativity that has been posted on my social media and even this blog. But I'm not going to take them down. It's there as a reminder that we get bad days. And most of us can relate to that. But as I said before, I've seen too much sadness, I've seen others go through so much. And while nobody can completely make everything okay in a heartbeat, I just want to be the person who makes a difference and help the world even by a little bit. What better way than to start with something small and significant, like my actions and mindset that I have for the ones around me to see.

Change comes gradually. Change also starts with small tiny steps. As they say, Rome was not built in a day.

Oh look, that's 4 paragraphs already. If there's a job that requires someone to crap a bunch of pointless paragraphs, sign me up. It's like being a chatterbox but not speaking. Lol.

Have a great week ahead you guys! The week before finals and finals week are really a whirlwind for me. Drowning in assignments and studying for the final. Guess it is a good thing I tuned out from social media! :D

Do your best in everything you do. Stay strong and keep on going.

Much love,


I don't even know who in the world would read all this. Maybe it's been a dead blog ever since the beginning!

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