Monday, September 7, 2015

The Work Table - Where It All Begins

Are you one of those who has a messy work space, or a totally clean one? 

Mine depends on what exactly I'm working on. If it's art that requires mostly painting, I like more space and things to be out of my way so I can place my paint and my jar of brushes and my big canvas in the middle. 

If I were writing, I honestly don't care, as long as my hands have the space to glide over the pages of the notebook effortlessly without having to knock over things on the way. 

If I were working on school work with a lot of paper rustling situation going on, I'll lay everything on my bed right next to me to have a more organized space. Most of the time though, everything will be messy while I work and I'll enjoy cleaning everything up afterwards. Which is kind of odd because I don't think anyone likes cleaning up after their own mess. To me, it's pretty therapeutic. So when I start cleaning, it usually means that something is going on. 

Here are some pictures of my current table and work space setup. 


I have noticed that it's regardless what room I am put into, I will always always always have things put up on the wall. Bouquet of flowers, too always have a place in my room. Pictures are an essential and little ornamental snowball figurine things are too pretty to pass off and sit in boxes. I used old spaghetti sauce glass jars to put my coloured pens in one while I put all the sharp things like my scissors and penknives in the other. On my table, you will always find some sort of book/notebook and a lot of sharpies and black pens. When you see them, you'll know it's Zoe's territory. 

PS. If you love me, please buy me a macro lens :(

Thanks for reading! Baii!

- Zoe

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