Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"I know", He said.

Lately, I'd have to admit that I've been doing better than before. Sure, there were the occasional "I don't want to go to college" moments. but I applied anyway because I knew that it was my only option. Then, there would be those nights when your head takes you on a trip down memory lane and you'd have trouble sleeping it off. But anyways, yesterday, was another setback moment regarding college application. Which really made me very very frustrated to the point where I just balled my eyes out. For a moment there, it felt like the rug that I was standing so firmly on was swept under my feet and before I knew it I was bust tumbling down in tears.

So, of course, the first thing I did was worry. Of course. Classic. Though, I'd have to admit that I was more frustrated and angry than I was worried. Lately, me and mom have been going to this Bible Study thing on Monday nights and we're studying the book of Revelations. We're at the part where Jesus sent his angels to John while he's in Patmos to write seven letters to the seven churches. And in each and every one of those letters Jesus starts of with, "I know". It's like a reassurance, but also something you should really keep in mind because He knows everything. He knows the things that you do, the things that you go through, your hardships and the things that are yet to come. And throughout my whole freak out session these two words were just stuck in my head. "I know, I know, I know". And in the letters written to the seven churches he specifically listed out that he know the struggles as churches and individuals and John's message was written specifically to the needs of each of the seven churches. In return, imagine the amount of words written in the Bible were catered specifically for you. 

The one that was in my head when I was in the shower was, 

Matthew 6:34 
So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring it's worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.

I'll get the situation figured out one way or another. Things don't turn out the way you want it because most of the times, what you want isn't what He has in store for you. 


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